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Training for the 21st Century

Achieving Compliance
Video & Facilitators Guide

Why some people break the rules and what to do about it ...

Why people break the rulesIntroducing ... a powerful and motivating video training program to assist management and supervisors with their most difficult task - to achieve compliance without generating resentment, work refusals and other negative side effects ...

Video Highlights

Running time: 33 minutes
$395.00 + P.S.T. +  G.S.T. CDN Funds
Purchase the Achieving Compliance Video

Achieving ComplianceFacilitator's Guide Highlights

$65.00 + P.S.T. +  G.S.T. CDN Funds
Purchase the Achieving Compliance Facilitator's Guide


A Division of John A. Ford & Associates Inc.
24 Baylor Crescent, Georgetown, ON L7G 1A6 ph. (905) 873-3031 fax (905) 877-7147